Synergy on Android - Code a World
Synergy on Android
If you don't know Synergy, please go to to learn what is it.
Our projet is on sourceforge site:
This is the introduction for the latest deveping version, you can get the source code by
#svn co synergyandroid
You can also get the trunk source tree
#svn co synergyandroid
But I suggest you checkout my branch, beause running the trunk tree is a little compicated,
and my branch will be merged into trunk soon.
ps: if you found a syntax/spelling error in this article, please let me know~
SynergyAndroid is a port of the synergy client to the Android platform.
See for detail. Currently in the planning stage.
New developers are very welcome to join in.
Now, we don't depend on /de/uinput module, instead with /dev/input/event0,
but still need root permission to access /dev/input/event0.
So you just need changing the permission of /dev/input/event0.
#adb shell chmod 666 /dev/input/event0
Attention: It was just tested in emulator, maybe not working on real device.
If there is only event0 file in /dev/input/ folder on your device,
and no other event* files exist, it should be work. So check it:
#adb shell ls /dev/input/
Building the project
SynergyAndroid use the jni to access the /dev/uinput module, so you must
compile the jni source by NDK firstly. And then you can directly build and debug the project in eclipse.
#./ <NDK Base>
then just build the whole project in eclipse.
Reminder: you should build the jni source first and #adb shell chmod 666 /dev/input/event0
Then you can:
1. just run the project in eclipse or
2. install the PROJECT_PATH/bin/Synergy.apk to emulator/device.
#adb install PROJECT_PATH/bin/Synergy.apk
1. can't see mouse cursor on the screen.
2012年10月09日 04:05
I wqs wondering if you could make a more clear tutorial. I tried runing the chmod command and got inconclusive results. And when I got to the .jni complining, I got lost. I dont know how to compile jni files. Can you please make an explicit step by step tutorial on how to start with a rooted android phone with acess to /dev/input/event0 and end up with a synergy client running?
2012年11月22日 03:02
When do you plan for integrating in the trunk? I really would like to see a released `/dev/input/event0` version.