Android - Code a World
Root Your Android
刚买了手机,自然首先是想获取Root 权限, 什么SuperOneClick,Z4root之类的网上一大堆,虽然发自XDA,也有大量用户测试过了,可是看不到代码,没有原理还是不甘心, 找了半天终于找到SuperOneClick的原始代码。 至于原理,包括源代码都在下面两篇文章讲的很清楚了,自己看吧~
From :
This is a bit of a follow up to our previous post, but we thought it would be interesting to dissect the source code of two of the recent Android root attacks: the udev exploit and the adb setuid exhaustion attack. The c-skillz site has posted the code for both exploits in the downloads available from their site. As they state, these attacks work basically against all Android phones released to date (and probably future ones if they run Android 2.1 or 2.2).
The udev exploit gained attention as one of the first attacks used against the Droid X, but was posted on the c-skillz site about a week before it made a great deal of noise on other blogs and forums. The download also included a README file which points out this attack mainly follows the exploit reported against udev and patched in 2009. Here’s a link to the CVE it points out: CVE-2009-1185.
Android does not have a separate udev executable and process link on standard Linux deployments. However, large portions of the udev code have been moved into the init daemon (init, like on a standard Linux system, is typically the first userland process and runs as root). In a simplistic and brief nutshell, udev offers dynamic management of devices; notably, it allows standard users to “hotplug” devices that may require root level access, such as a USB device. The kernel will pass a message to the userland udev demon, which will in turn act on the message. The issue is that versions of udev before 1.4.1 did not verify if these messages actually came from the kernel. Thus, a rogue application can submit a message to udev and have an action executed (which in the case of Android, is the init process running as root). While the kernel will need to be updated to send credentials with its messages to udev, the userland udev/init process is really where this vulnerability exists. I had originally referred to this as a kernel exploit, but that would technically be incorrect.
So here’s a quick overview of the exploid.c code: when the application runs, it copies itself to the sqlite_stmt_journals directory (remember, we’re not root yet, so we need a directory the “shell” user can write to). It will then send a NETLINK_KOBJECT_UEVENT message to run the copy of itself when the next hotplug event is triggered. The copied version of the executable then check if it is being run as root (this is our userland udev/init process) and if so, remounts the system partition (which is normally mounted as a read-only partition) and dumps a copy of /system/bin/sh as /system/bin/rootshell with the permissions of 04711 (executable with the user ID bit set so it always runs as root).
Now lets look at the adb setuid exhaustion attack. Compiled, this typically has the name “rageagainstthecage” and the code refers to it has “CVE-2010-EASY” in one comment, but whatever you call it, it’s a pretty smooth way of getting adbd (android’s debugging bridge daemon) to run as root. First the code will check that there is an NPROC setting. This is the maximum number of simultaneous processes which the system will allow. A quick “ulimit -a” once connected over adb should show you this setting for your device (this is set to 3301 processes on a Droid Incredible). The code will then try to find the process ID of the currently running adb daemon on the device. After that, the attack starts a loop to generated processes until it can no longer fork any more processes. Once the limit is hit, one process is killed off and the adb daemon process is restarted. As the code comment points out, this is a bit of a race at this point to make sure the adb can restart, but the number of processes stays maxed out. When the adb daemon starts up on an Android device, it is running as root. The code will later check if it should stay as root, or run in “secure” mode which drops its privileges to the “shell” account. This attack attemps to max out the process so that when the adb daemon attempts to call “setuid” in its code, the call will fail. The current adb code does not check if the setuid call was successful or not, so will happily keep running as root even if this fails.
MoSync Intro
MoSync 是一个开源的移动应用的跨平台开发框架。
1. Intro
当前市面上流行的主要的系统有 Android (包括API3-12), Symbian 60 (v2, v3, v5) , IOS, Win Mobile (5, 6, 6pro), Meego... 如果你想只写一套代码能在上面所有平台都能运行,现在来说只能用Java, 而且Android,Meego还是得单独维护, MoSync 就是这样的一个平台, 你只要写一个MoSync Project, 然后看到右侧的图片了么,选择你的手机型号,双击,大功告成~,你想换一个型号么,选择,双击,OK,还能批量选择生成的。使用Android的手机,它就会生成apk程序给你;使用Symbian的手机,它就会生成sis程序给你;Win Mobile? 自然是cab程序了。
2. MoSync
MoSync 的设计很宏大,它实际上是一个引擎, 目标是接受各种语言的Project(现在只支持C/C++), 输出满足任意型号手机(现在已支持流行的大部分手机)的程序。 实现这个目标理论上只有一种可能----虚拟机。MoSync的核心其实就是个虚拟机,是一个基于寄存器的虚拟机(jvm 是基于stack 的,Android自带的davik也是基于寄存器的),有自己的指令集, 支持自己的bytecode。这个虚拟机设计的非常小巧,针对移动平台优化,不用预装在手机上,会和你的程序打包在一起, 然后你的程序在手机运行的时候,其实是先启动的这个虚拟机。速度上起码要比jvm快。
MoSync 的代价是抛弃各个平台的SDK,程序必须按照它自己的API写, 意味着你必须花时间学习它的API,不过这点代价对程序员来说应该没什么问题, 而且其官方文档和示例也很全面。它还定制了Eclipse来作为专用的IDE。
3. MoSync Building Process
MoSync定制了GCC作为其编译器,它给GCC增加了一个自己的后端(back-end) 负责把程序编译成其自己的中间语言 MoSync IL, 然后用其链接器Pipe-tool把用到的libs一起链接成二进制程序(相当于java 的 class 文件),最后根据你选的手机型号来打包,把你的程序和对应手机平台的虚拟机打包在一起,生成对应的安装包(apk, sis, cab),就可以安装到手机了。
用MoSync为Mac开发程序要多走一步程序,因为这时Packaging打包生成的不是安装包,而是一个完整的XCode Project, 你需要用XCode打开这个project, 然后就像你以前开发Mac程序一样编译,安装就行了。
由此可见,MoSync真是煞费苦心,不惜从中间语言(IL) 逆向重新生成源文件来支持Mac,封闭系统害死人啊。
4. MoSync IL
每一个虚拟机都有一套自己的中间语言,包括特定的指令集,语法等等。 一般都有两种等价形式-----汇编形式和二进制形式, 只是可读和不可读的区别。
MoSync 的汇编IL包含了详细的stabs格式的元信息(由gcc -stabs 生成), 通过这些元信息,必要的时候完全可以将这些汇编语言转换回高级语言形式,自然也可以生成源代码,上面说的Mac的方式就是这样操作的。 二进制的bytecode 去掉了这些元信息。
MoSync IL的共有128个寄存器,常用的有32个[1][2]。指令集也非常简单,没有浮点指令,所有浮点运算都转化为调用相应的函数完成。
5. MoSync Pipe-Tool
Pipe-Tool 是一个复杂的工具,包含了资源编译器, 链接器,还有代码优化的功能[3]。从汇编语言生成源代码的活也是它干的,已经实现可以从汇编语言生成C++或者Java的源代码,无论你源码原来是用什么写的,当然目前你只能用c/c++来写... 下面是从其文档上摘录的几点特别的地方:
6. MoSync Runtime Core
Runtime 是MoSync 的核心, 就是虚拟机的部分。虚拟机最基本的功能就是一行行的解释执行bytecode,或者JIT的形式将bytecode转换成目标机器native的代码,然后再执行。 这两种形式MoSync都实现了,叫VM Core 和 Recompiler Core。 官方还有一种Core叫Generated Core, 说的就是为mac支持的那种重新生成源代码的形式, 这里就不叫它Core了... 我觉的它不算Runtime的部分。
第一个问题就是要保证MoSync 这个虚拟机本身能在所有手机平台高效运行,这就没什么好办法了,只能每个手机型号维护一个版本,尽量为每个型号进行优化了(这就是牺牲一人,幸福大家的精神啊)... 不过可想而知,为JVM实现的版本,就是JVM虚拟机上再运行MoSync虚拟机,效率肯定不会高。VM Core 最终是要抛弃的,Pipe-Toole 将为只能运行Java程序的手机直接生成Java bytecode, 省得再加一层虚拟机。Recompiler core (其实就是JIT,不知为什么非得再起个名字,弄得我查了半天与JIT的区别) 目前只实现了 win mobile 5 以上 和 symbian s60 以上的版本,程序再启动时先将代码转换成目标机native的代码,这样会有一点延时启动的效果,但是转换后的代码效率就要看转换引擎了。
关于Android版本的Recompiler Core正在开发当中, 目前采用的还是VM Core。因为涉及到Android 本身应用就不是Native的形式,所以Recompiler Core实现上有些复杂, 这点可以参考[4].
7. Benchmark
目前无论官方还是第三方都找不到任何MoSync 相关的Benchmark,无法给出准确的数据说明采用MoSync的实现对效率到底有多少影响。我自己做了一个关于win mobile 5 上Native程序与MoSync Recompiler Core 之间简单的Benchmark, 方法是用Zlib对1M随机文本进行内存压缩。 首先要移植Zlib 到MoSync,其实很简单,MoSync的标准C库采用 newlib, 所以直接把代码组织成 MoSync Project, 然后编译就行了(MoSync IDE 默认的是不是采用newlib, 需要设置一下[5])。 Native版本的Win Mobile Zlib 直接从网上下载的 zilbCE。使用同样的版本1.2.3,因为我能找到的最新 zlibCE就是1.2.3了... 采用内存压缩1M 随机文本也是无奈之举, 因为用MoSync 标准C库的 fopen 实现有问题, 无法读取手机上的文件, 而手机又很老了,能跑起来的程序最大只能处理1M文本了。 不过结果还可以还是有可比性的,因为每次都是随机生成的文本, 分别取10次运行的平均结果, MoSync程序用了8000多毫秒, Native的程序只用了不到4000毫秒, 还是有点差距的。
8. Conclusion
MoSync还在开发当中,能做到现在的程度已经很不错了,为了跨平台的可靠性, 为了不让程序员们不停的进行各种版本的测试和调试,MoSync自己本身就必须做更多的手机平台测试,而且要保证一致性。
[4] Generally questions affect to the MoSync Build Process
Synergy on Android
If you don't know Synergy, please go to to learn what is it.
Our projet is on sourceforge site:
This is the introduction for the latest deveping version, you can get the source code by
#svn co synergyandroid
You can also get the trunk source tree
#svn co synergyandroid
But I suggest you checkout my branch, beause running the trunk tree is a little compicated,
and my branch will be merged into trunk soon.
ps: if you found a syntax/spelling error in this article, please let me know~
SynergyAndroid is a port of the synergy client to the Android platform.
See for detail. Currently in the planning stage.
New developers are very welcome to join in.
Now, we don't depend on /de/uinput module, instead with /dev/input/event0,
but still need root permission to access /dev/input/event0.
So you just need changing the permission of /dev/input/event0.
#adb shell chmod 666 /dev/input/event0
Attention: It was just tested in emulator, maybe not working on real device.
If there is only event0 file in /dev/input/ folder on your device,
and no other event* files exist, it should be work. So check it:
#adb shell ls /dev/input/
Building the project
SynergyAndroid use the jni to access the /dev/uinput module, so you must
compile the jni source by NDK firstly. And then you can directly build and debug the project in eclipse.
#./ <NDK Base>
then just build the whole project in eclipse.
Reminder: you should build the jni source first and #adb shell chmod 666 /dev/input/event0
Then you can:
1. just run the project in eclipse or
2. install the PROJECT_PATH/bin/Synergy.apk to emulator/device.
#adb install PROJECT_PATH/bin/Synergy.apk
1. can't see mouse cursor on the screen.
building android custom kernel for emulator
1. Clone the android kernel source from
#git clone git://
2. Check out the emulator branch
#git checkout -t origin/android-goldfish-2.6.29 -b goldfish
3. Generate the kernel configuration for emulator
#make ARCH=arm goldfish_defconfig
or get a config copy from a exist emulator rom.
#adb pull /proc/config.gz
4. Edit the .config file, set the custom option, like enable uinput module
5. Compile the kernel using cross toolchain (you can get prebuilt cross toolchain from android source repo or just
#git clone git:// all platform cross chain are there.)
#make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=prebuilt/YOUR_PLATFORM/toolchain/arm-eabi-4.2.1/bin/arm-eabi-
6. Now, the kernel built is in the arch/arm/boot/ folder. You can start the emulator with this kernel
#emulator -avd YOUR_AVD -kernel ANDROID_KERNEL_PATH/arch/arm/boot/zImage